Resultados: 3

Elaboration and validation of an algorithm for treating peripheral intravenous infiltration and extravasation in children

Objective: to elaborate and validate the content and appearance of an algorithm for treating infiltration and extravasation of non-chemotherapy drugs and solutions administered to children. Method: a methodological study of the technology formulation and validation type. To elaborate the algorithm, a bi...

Influência de tecnologias para avaliação/visualização vascular no cateterismo intravenoso periférico: Revisão integrativa

RESUMO Objetivo verificar a influência da ultrassonografia vascular, emissão de luz infravermelha e iluminação transdérmica no sucesso da cateterização intravenosa periférica; número de tentativas, tempo para a realização do procedimento, permanência do cateter in situ e ocorrência de compl...

Time-related factors for peripheral intravenous catheterization of critical children

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (supl.3), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To verify characteristics related to critical children, the catheter, and the professionals that will influence the time for the success of the puncture. Method: Descriptive, prospective, and correlation study, collected with an unique instrument, and a sample consisting of 89 child...